
Linkedin: BPM Babylonia - Comparing BPA and BPMS is like comparing apples and oranges

<post ref="http://www.arisblog.com/2009/04/02/bpm-babylonia-%e2%80%93-comparing-bpa-and-bpms-is-like-comparing-apples-and-oranges">
BPM Babylonia - Comparing BPA and BPMS is like comparing apples and oranges"


I think, considering BPA and BPMS as diffenret things is to bring an artificial barrier for bPM within enterprises (see http://improving-bpm-systems.blogspot.com/2009/04/should-we-consider-third-forgotten-bpm.html for "thrid BPM") .

I believe that people in enterprises and projects should consider by themselves where modelling stops and execution starts -- not tools.
This would be the fisrt step from vendor-cenric BPM to customer-centric BPM.


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