
From EPN to BPMN

Book "Event Processing in Action" contains "Fast Flowers Delivery" use case. Below I tried to reproduce this use case in BPMN to see the internal behavior of each participant.

I think, I have to switch to BPMN 2.0 to better handle exceptions.



  1. BPMN 2.0 introduces escalation event type and non-interrupting events. Do you really need them? Within BPMN 1.x escalation may be substituded by an error and non-interrupting event processing may be implemented by a parallel gateway.

    You overuse pools and messages I'm afraid. My rule of thumb is to use lanes and control flows as long as possible (but no longer indeed).

    As Bruce Silver says: "The best solution of all is to make those pools lanes instead, and replace the message flows with sequence flows. That’s probably what the modeler intended… before the BPMN spec (and Visio) muddied the waters with the notion that pools and lanes are sort of the same thing." http://www.brsilver.com/2010/10/18/what-is-a-process/

  2. Anatoly,

    In the same post Bruce Silver supported the following “I believe that the multi-pool approach to modeling is underused by modelers and undersupported by tool vendors. I consider this one of the most powerful conceptual revolutions represented by BPMN.” Exactly that “feature” of BPMN is exploited in my diagram.

    In this diagram I don’t see any potential use of lanes – all pools are just different participants from different organisations and with their own life-cycles. But, as the result, I got a “distributed” system of mutually coordinating processes. It is well known that the error handling in any distributed system is more complicated than in a monolith system. So, in-line blocks with error handling may help to keep diagrams tidy.

