
Enterprise pattern: #Cloud-Ready Estimation and Evaluation Procedure (CREEP)

The aim of this post is to consider a systematic procedure for estimation and evaluation of cloudability of an IT service – what type of cloud (GOLD, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, VIOLET) is acceptable for a particular IT service and for what cost. Quick reminder re the zone types (from http://improving-bpm-systems.blogspot.com/2011/07/1-relationships-between-enterprise.html ):
  • classic within enterprise computing centre – zone type GOLD; 
  • within enterprise private cloud – zone type ORANGE; 
  • outside enterprise and enterprise-managed private cloud – zone type GREEN; 
  • outside enterprise and service-provider-managed private cloud – zone type BLUE; 
  • public cloud (outside enterprise and service-provider-managed by definition) – zone type VIOLET. 
The evaluation consists of two parts:
1. ranking of an IT service by several characteristics,

2. decision table for acceptability of cloud solution (actually, what ZONEs are acceptable for this IT service). 
Note: “maybe” means that further investigation is necessary;
Note: more than one column for GREEN, BLUE, and VIOLET can be possible if you work with several providers

Example: SharePoint Extranet

Ranking applied

Decision table applied

Rules for the recommendation :
  1. If at least one “NO” then “NO”
  2. If no “OK” and some “maybe” and “IaaS/PaaS/SaaS” then “maybe” + “IaaS/PaaS/SaaS”
  3. If some “OK” and some “maybe” and “IaaS/PaaS/SaaS” then “OK” + “IaaS/PaaS/SaaS”

Note: CAPEX and OPEX are functions of a service and a zone type.

Resume: 3 zones are not recommended, 2 accepted as SaaS:
1st preference SaaS in BLUE zone; CAPEX = ...  OPEX =... Lead time=....
2nd preference SaaS in GREEN zone; CAPEX =.. OPEX =... Lead time=...


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