
Enterprise patterns: PEAS - example and technique

This post is an example of introduction a PEAS-architected platform (see http://improving-bpm-systems.blogspot.com/2011/04/enterprise-patterns-peas.html). IN this example, BPM was used as a technique to reveal  the platform.

The situation:
An organisation (which printed 30 mil pages per year) had about 40 publishing tools. The attempt to replace them by a common tool has failed after 2 years of heated debates: each user was saying that my publishing processes are unique and my tool is the best for me. It was impossible to reach an agreement.

The actions taken:
1) we, enterprise architects, asked the users to bring their business processes (diagrams, of course)
2) we found that those diagrams were impossible to compare - they were prepared in different ways
3) we remodelled all of those processes with the same modelling methodology
4) we demonstrated that all users use the same services with slightly different processes (sometimes just an order of service invocations)  - see examples below.

5) and even all their processes fitted to the same generic process

The results:
1) everyone has agreed that a tool with all identified services and a capability to orchestrate them (i.e. process engine) would be sufficient for the whole organisation
2) a common tool was selected and implemented as a platform
3) a single centre of expertise is developing publishing solutions for all departments


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