
#egov to help #UNDP about better governance and anti-corruption

This post is inspired by the article "The time is right to place governance and anti-corruption at center stage" (http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourperspective/ourperspectivearticles/2013/09/30/the-time-is-right-to-place-governance-and-anti-corruption-at-center-stage-rebeca-grynspan.html#!). The article ends with "Talk to us: How can we help governments establish credible mechanisms to fight corruption?". My answer to this question is below.

As an architect of complex information systems (at the scale of canton, confederation, country, and continent), I think that a systemic approach to reduce the corruption is based on a proper architecture for e-governments and e-governance. Such an architecture will make everything transparent and traceable (thus accountable and trustful) by:
  • open design of e-government and e-governance as a system (to guarantee that various components are working together)
  • execution of e-government and e-governance services as explicit processes (to know who did what)
  • third-party reviews of anonymized data, documents and processes (to catch problems proactively) 
  • external archiving of governmental audit trails (to implement perfect records management) 
  • making public some governmental data (to generate open data)
  • systematic evolution of e-government and e-governance (to continuously improve the services)
My experience shows that many e-government and e-governance applications are almost the same in various ministries and countries. The level of variations between countries is estimated at about 20 %. Thus it is possible (thanks to modern information technologies) to develop a common platform for e-governments and e-governance which is implemented once and then employed many times in, for example, developing countries.

In more details this concept is presented in my several public blog posts:


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