
#BPM à la Zen style

Last week I had a chance to look at a new BPM product from www.effektif.com

I found very correct that this product starts with minimalistic and very simple interface. Something like BPM in Zen style – just define tasks, find them in the inbox and perform them, but perfectly straightforward for the end-user.

Why this approach is correct? Because
  1. in a good tool simple things are done simple;
  2. the end-users start with the minimum thus with less up-front learning;
  3. the tool remains open for classic BPM, ACM, case management and project management (as we know that they are converging);
  4. more complex techniques for creation and coordination tasks can be plugged-in to the tool (e.g. a simple definition of processes is already available);

  5. a library of predefined process fragments or executable patterns can be added as well;
  6. the end-users are allowed to do that they can without traditional limitations from the IT;
Another very useful feature of the tool is that it is available from the cloud. Again, it is a step to making the use of BPM simpler for small groups, training courses and enterprises. 

Hope that the company will add quickly some functionality to simulate processes. This would simplify the understanding of BPM by the end-users.

More information about the tool will be found at http://www.effektif.com/news/effektif-launch-webinars/



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