
#bizarch from the #entarch point of view

This blogpost is a placeholder for my presentation at the IASA e-summit. This presentation contains (in notes) additional URLs to various blog posts.

Question 1: How #entarch and #bizarch can help innovations?

There are a few mutually enhancing factors.

1. Less stress, higher performance, higher security, less risk, higher predictability of results, and better operations thus liberating people's business potential.

2. Routine activities will be gradually eliminated thus increasing the time for added-value contributions.

3. Armed with actionable patterns, different staff members will employ similar services to implement similar enterprise capabilities thus increasing the re-usability of these services.

4. Modern technologies will be employing in a coordinated and transparent way to streamline evolution and reduce overlapping and omissions.

5. Disjointed solutions and systems will fuse into a corporate unified business execution platform, which will allow quick experimentation for various business ideas thus enable business innovations.

6. Staff members can concentrate on innovative solutions for the unique challenges of their business and not waste time re-inventing the wheel.

Question 2: What is the difference between business and technical capability?

An extra blogpost cover this issue - see http://improving-bpm-systems.blogspot.ch/2016/05/capability-as-discrete-unit-of-purpose.html

Question 3: How #bizarch and #entarch help to software-defined enterprise?

This will be presented at a BPM conference in Lisbon on 2016-06-23.


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