
Beauty of #microservices - enabling #BizDevOps culture

Everyone heard about the DevOps culture which refers to a set of practices that emphasize the collaboration and communication of both software developers and IT professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes.

Certainly, DevOps improves the time-to-market for digital solutions, but it spans only a down-stream part of the idea-to-solution value stream. To cover the whole value stream, any up-stream stumbling blocks must be removed.

An application architecture, which is built on microservices and their machine-executable coordination (e.g. by processes), enables a new BizDevOps culture by quick implementations of business ideas. (I think that ING has introduced the BizDevOps concept).

Microservice is a service with the same boundaries as
  • a unit-of-functionality (for Biz)
  • a unit-of-deployment (for Dev)
  • a unit-of-execution (for Ops)
Thus, an implementation of a business idea as a group of microservices will have no unnatural complexity and, therefore, its time-to-market will be short.



Other blogposts about microservices - http://improving-bpm-systems.blogspot.ch/search/label/%23microservices  

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