
Architecting modern digital systems #entarch #bizarch #apparch #bpm #security #microservice

Mini-course at VFU

1 Title

Architecting modern digital systems

2 The problem to be addressed

At present, there are many IT-related methodologies, technologies, tools and schools of thoughts which overlap and contradict each other. The best practices are actually the best only in particular situations. Often decisions about software-intensive solutions are taken on the in-complete and subjective base. All of this tremendously complicates the modern digital systems thus reducing their potential effectiveness and efficiency. 

3 Objectives

The purpose of this course is to provide the basic knowledge and experience necessary to better understand how to deal with the increasing complexity of the information technologies to obtain the synergy between business needs and IT potentials. 

4 The approach

The course is based on the practical use of Enterprise Architecture (EA) which a methodology and practice for architecting solutions. EA provides an overarching guideline for understanding a “problem space” and take necessary decision about the “solution space” to deliver which addresses the problem. 

5 Learning outcomes

The trainees will
  • learn a systematic approach for architecting digital solutions; 
  • learn about some modern information technologies; 
  • learn how those technologies are working together for a systematic architecting, design, implementation, operations and evolution of digital systems; 
  • carry out a practical architecting exercise. 

6 Target audience

Bachelor and master level students specialising in IT. 

7 Requested knowledge

General knowledge of IS/IT. General programming experience. 

8 Layout of the teaching

Teaching will be given as six 1.5-hour lectures. The first 4 lectures will be about presenting some methodologies and technologies. Then the students will be asked to architect a solution based on a practical situation. The last session will be about presenting the student’s solution and wrapping up this mini-course. 

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