
Webinar “Ask the Architect on Enterprise Architecture & High-Impact Strategies” #entarch #bizarch #apparch #BPM #SOA

I will be giving a webinar “Ask the Architect on Enterprise Architecture & High-Impact Strategies” – see http://live.icmgworld.com/index.php/all-events.html?parent=1352 for the schedule and http://live.icmgworld.com/index.php/more-services/webinars/webinar-ask-the-architect-on-enterprise-architecture-high-impact-strategies-detail.html for the product description. 

Various questions related to EntArch, BPM, SOA, BizArch, AppArch, ECM, etc. will be discussed.

People from my professional network (LinkedIn, Twitter, SlideShare and Google+) may use the following gift certificate.


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